Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lausanne, Switzerland

This past weekend we went to Lausanne, Switzerland, where we were graciously allowed to stay in the Pepperdine house. It was a beautiful and relaxing weekend!

We got there on Friday and the Lausanne faculty family took us to Holy Cow for dinner. It was so good!

The view from our room in the Lausanne house, overlooking Lake Geneva.

We loved the Olympic Museum, which we spent several hours exploring on Saturday.

 Testing his balance:

Hand-eye coordination:

After the Olympic Museum we took the metro up the hill to the Cathedral.

 Sunday morning we got up early to head to Broc to see the Cailler chocolate factory. It was great!!

The tasting room was the best part.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

It's hard to believe that our baby is eight years old already! He is growing into such a smart, fun, funny big kid, and I love him so much. Even if he wants to talk about the bus routes with me all day long. :)

With our program director who gave him some sweets and a special surprise. 

That evening the students who were home threw a surprise party for Benjamin. It was so great! He felt so loved and was the happiest eight year old I know!

With his gift from one of our incredibly talented students. I cried when I saw it. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Barcelona {day five}

On our last day, we went to the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia. It was truly the most beautiful church I have ever seen.

The inside of the church was absolutely one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life. I will not soon forget how I felt just being in there.

A magic square on the facade: